La pobresa energètica/ Fuel poverty Catalunya
Ha començat la primavera després d'un hivern molt intens. Però encara fa fred i a Catalunya hi ha gent que mor per pobresa energètica, per no poder engegar la calefacció a casa seva per manca de recursos. El nombre de morts s'estima en set-centes persones l'any, més que per accidents de trànsit. Us convido a veure aquest reportatge al respecte i a navegar pel menu:
Spring has started after an intense winter. But it is still cold, and people are dying because of fuel poverty in Catalonia, because they cannot afford to turn their heat on. Deaths are estimated in seven hundred a year, more than those due to car accidents. Please watch the following webdoc with English subtitles about this:
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Spring has started after an intense winter. But it is still cold, and people are dying because of fuel poverty in Catalonia, because they cannot afford to turn their heat on. Deaths are estimated in seven hundred a year, more than those due to car accidents. Please watch the following webdoc with English subtitles about this:
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