Can We Be Political in the Classroom?

Last Saturday I gave a talk at the APAC ELT Convention 2019 in Barcelona Thank you everybody for coming! :=) I made a point that we are all political either by action or by inaction, and I promised I would share some resources to deal with current issues in the class and encourage students to participate. In the link (attention! it is case-sensitive and it is cc underline ) you will find three folders: General Name pairs - to be cut - Give a name or surname to each student at random so that they work with different partner each time - customize as you wish. [Idea taken from Mario Rinvolucri] Pres. Card- sample of a card to fill in on the first day - swap with a partner and ask questions International Days Worksheets - resources to be used November - Buy Nothing Day - [date changes every year] Relate to Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Blue Monday December 10 - International Human ...