Algorithm is the name of the game #GENSummit 2014

I have recently been covering the Global Editors Network Summit in Barcelona and publishing articles on their website . Here is the first one: Automated journalism marked the start of the GEN Summit in Barcelona. 'It is the next logical step: let the computer do one more task,' said moderator Yves Eudes from Le Monde. News-writing computers make journalists feel their jobs are at risk and also 'Who wouldn’t like to get rid of journalists?' he inquired humorously. Some impressive first experiments of robot journalism were then shown. Robot Journalism Bootcamp Global Editors Network Among them, NarrativeScience uses Quill, an artificial intelligence platform to generate stories from data. For the time being, they are mostly about sports and business. 'The reason why some of these stories are not written by people is because there isn’t enough interest,' said Larry Birnbaum, from Northwestern University, who also mentioned 52,000 school descrip...