Picasso in Japan?

In my previous post, I didn't use to like Picasso , I wrote about how I found two of his self-portraits, painted at the age of 91, really impressive. I was also shocked because I tend to read labels closely when something interests me, and I discovered both paintings had come to the Barcelona Picasso Museum from as far as Japan. So I decided to look them up. Head of a man was there thanks to the Hakone Open Air Museum; Self-portrait was courtesy of the Fuji Television Gallery, which was even more surprising. Wasn't that weird? A Japanese TV company lending Barcelona a Picasso painting for a temporary exhibition. Just click on this picture of Hakone to see where this town is, ten thousand kilometres away: Hakone Fortunately, Fuji Television has an English translation of its website, so I could learn that the TV giant that owns Picasso's Self-Portrait also sponsors the Hakone Open Air Museum , which has lent B...